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Dental Extractions in Northern Virginia

Do you have a cracked tooth from an accident, or do you have a decayed, sore tooth that hurts when you drink something cold?  How about a tooth that sticks out and makes you feel self-conscious when you smile?


At our offices in Northern Virginia, we can repair your smile and help you regain the confidence and comfort you deserve. Our team performs dental extractions with precision, confidence and care.

Learn About Dental Extractions

There are many reasons to remove a tooth, including pain, decay, fracture, periodontal disease and dental infection. Sometimes, a tooth needs to be removed to prevent gum disease or to prepare your mouth for orthodontics or cosmetic dentistry. Whatever the reason for your tooth extraction, you can trust us to give you a beautiful smile that you’ll be proud of.


We understand that some people feel a little nervous when they come to the dentist, especially for something like having a tooth removed. To reduce any discomfort that you may feel during the procedure, we offer numerous anti-anxiety options. Come in for your free consultation to discuss the options and see what will work best for you. We always use local anesthetic to numb the area around the tooth so that you feel no pain during the procedure. Our staff also works to ensure that you have a comfortable experience during your visit.


After the procedure, we’ll help you to keep the extraction site clean so that it can heal properly. After the area has healed, you’ll be ready for a replacement tooth.

Woman laying on a couch with dental pain.

We can’t wait to help you repair your smile! Our patients’ health and confidence is our first priority. To better serve you, we provide full dentistry services for families across Northern Virginia and the surrounding areas. We want to provide you with great service, compassionate care and excellent staff you can trust.