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Expert Advice on Staying Comfortable Following a Dental Extraction

Dental Extractions to Relieve Your Pain

Undergoing a dental extraction can be a daunting experience, but with the right approach, you can significantly ease any discomfort and ensure a smoother recovery. Whether it’s your first time or you’re familiar with the process, understanding how to manage pain and promote healing is crucial for a comfortable recovery. In this blog, we at Emergency Dental Services will share expert advice on effective strategies and tips to help you stay comfortable and on track following your dental extraction. From what to expect in the immediate aftermath to practical steps you can take to minimize discomfort, we’ve got you covered with insights that will make your healing journey as easy as possible.

Common Post Extraction Symptoms

Some symptoms like bleeding are normal after a tooth extraction, so we’ve listed some symptoms that one may have after a tooth extraction that you won’t have to lose sleep over:

  • Light Bleeding: You will probably have bleeding within the first 24 hours after the extraction. However, if you are still bleeding after 24 hours or the bleeding is more than light, call us again right away.
  • Swelling: Your cheek or cheeks usually swell after the operation and recede after 3-4 days.
  • Sharp or Constant Pain: The prescribed medication will remove any pain and subside after 24-48 hours.
  • Dizzy or Nauseous: If we used sedation, laughing gas, or any other drug to remove pain during dental extraction, you might feel dizzy or nauseous immediately after the procedure. This will go away after a good night’s rest!

If you have any other symptoms that you feel are abnormal, don’t hesitate to call us right away!

Follow Your Dentist’s Instructions

At Emergency Dental Services, our dentists have over 30 years of experience providing emergency care to patients and know the best steps and care to take to recover after a tooth extraction. So, follow our dentists’ instructions, especially regarding the medication prescribed to you.

Medication, Drinks, and Food

Only take medication that has been prescribed to you by your dentist, and use as much as your dentist or the packaging states. Pain-relief medication will help you sleep better through the first night of the extraction, where pain is the most prevalent.

For food, try to eat your favorite comfort food, especially if it’s soft to chew, like oatmeal or soups! Good comfort food in your belly will help calm any anxiety and help you sleep a lot better throughout the night.

Do not drink anything too hot or cold, so no milkshakes or hot chocolate! A glass of water is always your best bet for a healthy recovery drink. But also any juices that are not citrus-based, like apple or grape juice.

Sleep Positioning

To avoid discomfort and other complications, avoid sleeping on the side of the tooth extraction. So, if you have a tooth removed from the right side of your mouth, sleep either on your left side or face up. Also, ensure your sleeping environment is comfortable and quiet because rest is the best way to quickly reduce swelling and heal your extraction area.

Schedule an Emergency Dental Extraction Appointment Today!

When a dental emergency strikes, swift action is essential for your health and comfort. At Emergency Dental Services, we are dedicated to providing prompt, compassionate care to address your urgent needs. Don’t let dental pain linger or worsen—take control of your oral health today. Schedule an emergency dental extraction appointment with us now and let our experienced team help you get back to feeling your best. Your smile and well-being are just a call away!