How to Handle Common Dental Emergencies
What dental mishap constitutes an emergency? When should you schedule an appointment and when should you see a dentist immediately?

Do You Need Prescription Toothpaste?
Would your oral health benefit from a prescription toothpaste? Depending on the issue at hand, it could be a game-changer.

What to do if your Child Knocks out or Cracks a Tooth
Understanding what to do in a dental emergency will help you be prepared for when the worst can happen, your child cracking or chipping a tooth or ugh, getting a tooth knocked out.

Why Should I Use A Mouthwash?
Mouthwash is probably best known for freshening your breath but that is not the only benefit you can get from it.

Oral health: A window into your overall health
Your oral health is more important than you might realize. The health of your mouth, teeth and gums can affect your general health. Problems in your mouth can cause problems in the rest of your body.

Is it a Cracked or Chipped Tooth?
A chipped tooth is less of an issue, it’s usually treated for the aesthetics and functionality because it’s typically in the front of your teeth.

Do We Really Need X-Rays Every Year?
X-rays are a routine part for comprehensive dental exams. Dentists and experts agree that the benefits of x-rays outweigh any potential risks. X-rays are a safe and effective way to monitor the health of your teeth and gums.

Do You Have White Spots on your Teeth?
White spots on teeth could be a cosmetic issue that will resolve itself, or it could be a sign of something much more serious.

Oral Health Care for Seniors
Taking care of your oral health is important at every age of life, but when you enter your senior years there are things you should be mindful of.

If You Don’t Remove Your Wisdom Teeth
If your dentist recommend that your wisdom teeth should be taken out, it’s likely necessary. Here are common wisdom teeth issues.

Oral Health During Pregnancy
When you are pregnant there are many physical changes that occur, this includes the effects on your teeth, gums, and your entire oral health.

Halloween Candy to Watch Out For
Tis the season for spooks, sweets, and so much fun for all (especially the kids). But whether you go the traditional trick or treating, or a friends Halloween party, your little ones are likely to have a tummy full of aches and teeth sticky sweet.

Emergency Dental Clinic vs. Non-Emergency Dental Clinic: Key Differences and When to Seek Each
Knowing when to receive emergency or non-urgent dental care is crucial. Our blog dives into which injuries must be treated immediately to prevent further damage.

Being Wise About Your Wisdom Teeth
. Wisdom teeth are usually removed to prevent damage to teeth in the future, as many patients’ wisdom teeth grow at an angle that negatively impacts their gums, jawbone, or other teeth.

Sports Dental Injuries: Your Comprehensive Guide
Sports always carry an apparent risk of injury with flailing hands hitting your mouth, fast-moving equipment banging your teeth, or high-speed balls coming straight toward your face.
Emergency Dentistry: Your Lifeline in Dental Crises
Having an experienced emergency dentist in your corner is essential for addressing dental emergencies effectively and reducing potential complications.

How to Handle a Dental Emergency
To be a kid again, so carefree, and so prone to injury due to excitement and high energy. We as parents should not be surprised

Have a Crossbite? Signs and Treatment
A crossbite is when your teeth are not in proper alignment due to missing or irregular positioning of teeth. They may be too close to the cheek or tongue and make for an uncomfortable bite.